The first Dutch military satellite is launching, the Netherlands is reaching for the stars and the price of petrol has rocketed sky high: this HCSS Digest take you to a galaxy not so far away – and to our new website!
“This is a most timely book. After the end of the Cold War, interest in deterrence waned, yet a more volatile security environment has brought it back with a vengeance,” Michael Rühle wrote in his NATO Review of Tim Sweijs and Frans Osinga’s book: “Deterrence in the 21st Century“, concluding that the volume is a “thought-provoking contribution to the evolution of deterrence research.”
“Now that Great Power competition is back on the geopolitical agenda, our freedom should no longer be an abstract concept,” HCSS Strategic Analyst Patrick Bolder wrote in a column for De Telegraaf about the costs of freedom.
Rob de Wijk watched the political debate in the Netherlands in recent weeks with growing bewilderment and concern, he wrote in his weekly column for Trouw. While our country is still in the middle of the corona crisis and has to recover economically, it is important to work together and present a united front.
Virgin Orbit will launch the first military satellite for the Dutch Airforce next month, the nanosatellite BRIK-II. HCSS Strategic Analyst Patrick Bolder explains all about the satellite and the need for a Dutch space policy on BNR’s De Ochtendspits (starting at 2h08m45s).
Don’t be alarmed when you’re at the gas station, because the price of a liter of petrol has gone to the highest level ever. HCSS energy expert Lucia van Geuns explained why this happened on BNR Nieuwsradio’s In De Middag.
Corona shows that Europe is still very dependent on other powers (read: China). In their podcast on BNR this Saturday, Arend Jan Boekestein & Rob de Wijk will discuss how we can protect ourselves against the Chinese threat, with their guest MEP Tom Berendsen (CDA).
What is the importance of space for the Netherlands? Is there a Dutch Elon Musk? This Sunday morning, listen to the new episode of our BNR podcast De Strateeg to find out what the future of space travel looks like for the Netherlands. Featuring Jeroen Rotteveel, founder and director of ISISpace and chairman of SpaceNed, the branch organization for the Dutch aerospace companies, together with Patrick Bolder, and contributions from MP Jeroen van Wijngaarden (VVD), who recently asked parliamentary questions to MinDef Bijleveld about the new HCSS Space Alert by Hugo van Manen, Tim Sweijs, Patrick Bolder and Benedetta Girardi.
Last but not least: HCSS launched its completely new website last week, and with it, our logo underwent a facelift as well. Stay tuned as we’ll bring you new features!