Second GC REAIM Meeting Seoul, South Korea
In addition to being an integral part of the REAIM 2024 Summit, GC REAIM also co-organised and co-hosted two events in Seoul in the context of the Summit with the support of the Seoul International Law Academy (SILA). The first event was the second official GC REAIM Regional Meeting, which took place on 11 September 2024, and the second event was the GC REAIM Symposium Day, which took place on 12 September 2024. Both events were graciously hosted at the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI).
GC REAIM at the REAIM 2024 Summit
Last week on Monday the 9th and Tuesday the 10th of September, the second global Summit on Responsible Artificial Intelligence in the Military Domain (REAIM) was hosted in Seoul, South Korea. The government of the Netherlands hosted the first REAIM Summit last year in the Hague, where it was decided that GC REAIM would be established to support norm development and policy coherence in this field.
Gerben Bakker | Brazilië zet X op zwart, is dat een zegen of een vloek voor het vrije woord?
In Brazilië is X op last van de rechter offline gehaald. De baas van X, Elon Musk, zegt dat het vrije woord daardoor in gevaar is. Hoe democratisch is zo’n verbod? “Sociale media, met name X en Telegram, fungeren in toenemende mate als vrije zones voor extremistische denkbeelden, complottheorieën en nepnieuws”, stelt Gerben Bakker, filosoof en analist bij HCSS. “De uitspraak van de Braziliaanse rechter is een dappere poging van staatswege om macht terug te veroveren op Big Tech."