To set the stage for the 2025 NATO summit in The Hague, the Netherlands, on June 24 and 25, the Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS) will be organizing a series of events.
At the same time as the summit, the NATO Public Forum will be held as well. Co-organised by HCSS, the Netherlands Atlantic Association and Clingendael, the Forum will convene global experts to discuss the priority agenda items for the Alliance, organise public and side discussions with policymakers, and work closely with Allies’ representations to showcase the diverse contributions and views across the Alliance.
NATO Seminar on Seabed Security | March 27, 2025 (invite only)
Recent incursions by Russian vessels and the sabotage of underwater power and internet cables have exposed critical vulnerabilities in NATO countries’ infrastructure. On March 27, TNO and HCSS, in cooperation with the Dutch Ministries of Defence and Infrastructure & Water Management, will organise a Seminar on Seabed Security.
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Dinsdag 28 januari, Den Haag | Start van “NAVO door Nederland-tour”
Op 28 januari start de NAVO door Nederland-Tour, een rondreizend programma over vrede en veiligheid langs een aantal steden in Nederland. De tour is een initiatief van de ministeries van Buitenlandse Zaken en Defensie, met medewerking van de Atlantische Commissie, Clingendael en The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS).
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Baltic Defence Line: Strengthening the Defence of NATO’s Eastern Flank
HCSS was honored to host the Baltic Ministers of Defence and the Dutch Minister Ruben Brekelmans, for a symposium on the ‘Baltic Defence Line’ on January 15. Hanno Pevkur (Estonia), Andris Sprūds (Latvia) and Dovilė Šakalienė (Lithuania) discussed the topic of eastern flank defence, NATO, and the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.
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HCSS Insights from the NATO Summit’s Public Forum in Washington D.C.
From 9–11 July, the 2024 NATO Summit took place in Washington D.C., bringing together the heads of state and heads of government of the 32 allies, their partner countries and the EU. HCSS was proud to be an Institutional Partner of the Public Forum taking place during the historic Summit, with Tim Sweijs and Davis Ellison attending the Forum.
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NATO Public Forum, Washington DC, July 10 & 11, during the NATO Summit
HCSS is proud to be an Institutional Partner of the NATO Public Forum taking place from 10-11 July 2024 during the historic Summit meeting of NATO’s Heads of State and Government in Washington D.C. Register hereto attend the 2024 NATO Public Forum virtually, or watch the livestream on YouTube.
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Symposium, May 14 | Beyond Ukraine: Debating the Future of War
What does the Future of War look like? What lessons can be learned from the current War in Ukraine? Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), the War Studies Research Centre (WSRC), the Royal Netherlands Association for War Studies (KVBK) and HCSS organised the symposium “Beyond Ukraine: Debating the Future of War” on May 14th, 2024.
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Event | Commemorating the 25th anniversary of NATO’s 1999 enlargement
In April, HCSS together with the Embassies of Poland, the Czech Republic, Finland, and Sweden to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, will co-host an event that commemorates NATO’s enlargement in 1999, celebrates the recent joining of Finland and Sweden, and sets the stage for the upcoming NATO summits to be held in the United States and the Netherlands between 2024 and 2025.
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Event | War in Europe: The impact of Russian aggression in Ukraine 2 years on
Two years of war in Europe have changed perceptions of NATO and the defence policies of European countries. On 23 February 2024, two years after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Netherlands Defence Academy (NLDA), the Royal Netherlands Association for War Studies (KVBK), the Netherlands Atlantic Association, the Clingendael Institute, HCSS and ISGA Leiden University take stock of these developments and ask the question: what does the war mean for Ukraine, for Europe and the world at large?
HCSS appreciates your feedback, insights and input. We welcome partners who want to join our initiative in the lead-up to the Summits.
If you would like to be involved in or support the NATO Summits Series, do not hesitate to contact us through, mentioning “NATO Summits Series” as the topic.
Tijdens een grote NAVO-top is er óók altijd een NATO Public Forum. Dus ook tijdens de Nederlandse NAVO-top in 2025. Dit is een publieksbijeenkomst waar experts, politici, opiniemakers, maatschappelijke organisaties en uiteenlopende groepen uit de samenleving bij elkaar komen. Centraal staat de vraag: hoe de NAVO onze veiligheid kan waarborgen en ons kan beschermen tegen militaire dreigingen en terrorisme, maar ook tegen nepnieuws en cyberaanvallen.
Het NATO Public Forum is voor iedereen binnen en buiten Nederland online te volgen via Youtube (Engelstalig). Een aantal sessies zijn interactief.
Het NATO Public Forum wordt georganiseerd door de NAVO en de Nederlandse regering, in samenwerking met de Atlantische Commissie, het Haags Centrum voor Strategische Studies (HCSS) en het Instituut Clingendael. Ook buitenlandse denktanks zijn actief betrokken bij het NATO Public Forum.
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