The much anticipated “Draghi-report” published in September 2024 has by now made its way into most parliaments, cabinet offices and boardrooms. The almost 400 pages of analysis and recommendations provide a stark warning for the EU to clean up its economic and industrial act.
The conclusions from the main report (section A) have already been covered in op-eds, policy briefs and essays, but section B of the report, which contains sector-specific in-depth analyses, still contains valuable nuggets of information.
Many of the sectors mentioned in “The future of European competitiveness” touch directly on research areas of HCSS. In this Draghi Report Series, Ron Stoop and Berend Kwak sat down with our experts to ask for their views on specific sections of this high-profile report.
Link to: Ron Stoop
The HCSS Draghi Report Series interviews were conducted and edited throughout september 2024 by Ron Stoop and Berend Kwak.
Podcast De Strateeg
Het Draghi rapport is dan wel een wake-up call, de vraag blijft of Europa niet gewoon stoïcijns op de snooze-knop zal drukken en het probleem vooruit zal schuiven. Paul van Liempt praat erover met HCSS analist Ron Stoop en CDA Europarlementariër Tom Berendsen in podcast De Strateeg op BNR.