Nieuwe Ankers | Tim Sweijs: ‘De Amerikaanse neergang lijkt niet te stoppen’

Met welke wapens bevechten we elkaar in 2050? Houden we beheersing over de drones die we nu zelf sturen, of beslissen die straks op eigen houtje? Blijven oorlogen gaan over veiligheid, macht, welvaart en botsing tussen ideologieën? “Oorlog voeren hoort bij de mens, dat is een gegeven,” stelt Tim Sweijs in gesprek met Paul van Liempt in deze nieuwe aflevering van Nieuwe Ankers, waarin hij ook reflecteert op de positie van de grootmachten, in het bijzonder op Amerika.

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HCSS Datalab introduces GINA – Geopolitics Powered by Data

On Monday October 21, 2024 The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS) Datalab invites you to webinar to meet GINA, a suite of data driven analytical tools that model global interactions across states. Whether you are part of an organisation, government, or simply interested in geopolitics, this online event offers valuable insights into how data-driven tools like GINA can enhance decision-making, inform policy development, and promote international stability. Join us for an interactive demonstration of the different monitors the HCSS Datalab has created, which will be followed by a Q&A session.

HCSS Draghi Report Series | Clean Technologies

“The barriers to entry for clean tech companies in Europe are incredibly high. They compete on a global market with companies that have much lower operational costs or that receive governmental subsidies.” Next in our HCSS Draghi Report Series: Irina Patrahau, Ron Stoop and Berend Kwak present their take on the report’s section on Clean Technologies. "The problems the EU faces on the clean technology front are first and foremost political."