HCSS is leading the organization of the Water, Peace and Security (WPS) training taking place in Amman, Jordan from 27-28 February. The two-day training was developed for water management experts and government officials from the Middle East and North Africa and Dutch diplomats active in the region. The event is organized in collaboration with our WPS consortium partners IHE Delft, Deltares, International Alert and World Resources Institute.
The training consists of interactive sessions showcasing the integrated, informed and inclusive WPS approach (PDF) to water-related conflict prevention and mitigation. The sessions will focus on understanding the water-security nexus, using the WPS Global Early Warning Tool, engaging in participatory action through causal loop diagrams, facilitating dialogue and developing conflict-sensitive policies. The training will culminate with the WPS serious game, through which participants can apply learnings and discuss implications for their daily work.
The ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Jordan, Harry Verweij, provided opening remarks. He highlighted the importance of collaboration in order to address water-related security challenges in the MENA region.
HCSS senior strategic analyst Laura Birkman is leading a session on the water-security nexus. The session uses water-conflict pathways to strengthen the understanding of water-related security challenges and highlight the importance of informed, inclusive and conflict-sensitive policy-making in the water sector.
Strategic analyst Irina Patrahau is leading the WPS serious game, which encourages participants to apply learnings and discuss implications for their daily work through the use of a gamified analytical tool.