On Thursday, June 13th, HCSS strategic analyst Irina Patrahau participated in a panel on critical minerals during the European Sustainable Energy Week in Brussels.
The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) consists of a series of activities across Europe promoting secure, clean and efficient energy. It brings together policymakers, stakeholders and citizens to achieve climate and energy goals for the Energy Union.
The policy session on ‘The Importance of Critical Minerals for the Clean Energy Transition’ was co-hosted by the Directorate General for Energy and the International Energy Agency and brought together experts from various fields to discuss the role of critical minerals in Europe’s shift towards clean energy. It underscores the importance of critical minerals in achieving Europe’s clean energy goals and highlights the need for a strategic approach to their use in the energy transition.
Irina’s contribution focused on geopolitical issues and the challenges that industry faces to secure complex and opaque supply chains. “There is a gap between the supply of minerals and final consumers in Europe, as the midstream is often too complex for single companies to map, understand and manage supply chains risks,” Patrahau stated.
Date and time: 13 June 2024, 11:30 – 13:00 CEST
- Shobhan Dhir, Critical Minerals Analyst and batteries/battery metals expert, International Energy Agency
- Madalina Ivanica, Deputy Head of Unit, DG GROW Energy Intensive Industries and Raw Materials, European Commission
- Irina Patrahau, Strategic Analyst, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies
- Paula Pinho, Director, European Commission, Directorate-General Energy
- Mónika Zsigri, Head of Unit, DG ENER Energy Security and Safety, European Commission
- Patrick Ten Brink, Secretary General, European Environmental Bureau