The 2019 Global Go To Think Tank Index (GGTTI) was released and published by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) of the University of Pennsylvania today. For the fifth consecutive time, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies is honored to be featured in the Index, which is derived from a database of 8,248 think tanks worldwide.
HCSS is included in 5 different categories of the 2019 index. In comparison to other European think tanks (a total of 2219 are listed), HCSS is proud to be ranked within the top 50 in all 5 categories.
In the 2019 Global Go To Think Tank Index, HCSS was ranked in the following categories:
Top Defense and National Security
ranked at #80 – HCSS is in the top 30 of Europe
Top Energy and Resource Policy Think Tanks
ranked at #51 – HCSS features as the sole Dutch think tank in this category and is in the top 15 of Europe.
Top Foreign Policy and International Affairs Think Tanks
ranked at #124 – HCSS is in the top 50 of Europe.
Best Independent Think Tanks
ranked at #69 – HCSS is in the top 25 of Europe.
Top Think tanks with annual operating budgets of less than $5 Million USD
ranked at #42 – HCSS is in the top 15 of Europe.
HCSS wishes to extend its congratulations to Carnegie Endowment for International Peace for their first place in the overall worldwide ranking, and also to the Clingendael Institute, for their position as the highest ranked Dutch think tank in the Top Think Tanks Worldwide (Non-US) category.
We do not take our inclusion in the index for granted, so we would like to thank everyone who participated in the 2019 survey and considered HCSS in the ranking.
HCSS is pleased to be acknowledged for its high quality, creative, evidenced based and actionable research products especially in the domains of defense and security, cyber, and energy and resources. Today, the need for reliable research and independent policy advice is greater than ever. HCSS will continue to offer its strategic insights to public and private sector decision makers.
Download the complete index here: