On June 8th, 2022, Utrecht University’s The Intimacies of Remote Warfare’s Prototype Warfare project will be holding a symposium titled “Realities of Algorithmic Defence”. The symposium will bring together military commanders, academics, journalists, research institutions and NGOs to explore the realities of the current development, deployment, and regulation of autonomy in military (weapons) systems.
The symposium will take place from 14:00-17:00 CET in the Belle van Zuylenzaal at the Academiegebouw in Utrecht. The event is centred around the 2021 advisory report ‘Autonomous Weapon Systems: The Importance of Regulation and Investment ‘, which was created for the Dutch Ministry of Defence by the AIV and the Advisory Committee on Public International Law (CAVV).
HCSS director of research Tim Sweijs will moderate the first panel discussion of the symposium titled, ‘Realities of Developing Autonomous Weapon Systems’, alongside speakers including; Lieutenant-Colonel Martijn Hädicke, commander of the 13th Light Brigade’s Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS) unit of the Royal Netherlands Army, Maurits Korthals Altes, founder of robotics startup and MoD contractor Avalor AI, and Dr. Nanda van der Stap, senior scientist innovator and team lead at TNO.
If you wish to ask questions and join the debate, you can register here.