We are proud to announce that Prof. dr. mr. Stavros Zouridis has joined the Advisory Board of HCSS!
Stavros Zouridis is a professor of Public Administration and Law at Tilburg University and a visiting professor of Safety and Security Governance at Leiden University, both in the Netherlands. His research focuses on the rule of law as a mode of government, institutional crises, risk regulation, justice, and law enforcement.
He has published many scholarly books and articles on ICT’s and public administration, on the rule of law, on the future of law and the law of the future, and on legal and justice strategies. He also published many commissioned research reports on several levels of government (local governments in the Netherlands, national government, and the European Commission).
From 2005 to 2010 he acted as the director of the strategy department of the Ministry of Justice. From 2018 to 2023 he was a member and (as from 2022) the vice president of the Dutch Safety Board.
At Tilburg University he acted as the vice dean of education in the law school as well as the head of the public administration department. He was also appointed as an extraordinary professor of public administration at Stellenbosch University in South Africa and he still co-chairs the International Institute of Administrative Sciences study group on law and public administration.