HCSS director of research Dr. Tim Sweijs gave a keynote at the NATO’s Command & Control Centre of Excellence (NATO C2COE)’s annual Command & Control (C2) seminar taking place this week, where he talked about the future of conflict and C2.
In his keynote “International Security, Technological Change, and the Future of Conflict“, Dr. Sweijs covered the future of Command and Control in conflict situations from a civilian perspective. Using new media to effectively achieve results in modern day warfare demands a change of mindset. His presentation will focus on conceptual developments within the field of Command and Control.
About the seminar
Every year, NATO’s Command & Control Centre of Excellence (NATO C2COE) organizes a seminar on a particular aspect of Command & Control (C2). The seminar for 2022 is titled “Executing C2 in a Multi-Domain Environment – Who is in Command and Who do We Control”.
The aim of the seminar is to inform and challenge participants on the arguments and theory surrounding multi-domain operations (MDO) and multi-domain C2 (MDC2) by providing the latest insights and perspectives on C2 in a layered operating environment. A range of experts – from academia and across The Alliance – will share their views on various aspects of MDO and MDC2, thus illustrating its increased relevance, while providing the initial framework for C2 in the not too distant future battlefield.
This year’s seminar will take place as an in-person event from 08 – 10 November 2022, with an impressive line-up of experts scheduled to appear:
- LT GEN Dave Julazadeh, Deputy Chief of Staff, Capability Development, SACT
- LTG (ret) Philippe Stoltz, ACT Senior Mentor
- LTG (ret) Ben Hodges, ACT Senior Mentor
- MajGen (ret) Roger Lane, Roger Lane consulting Ltd.
- Mr. Tim Sweijs, Director of Research, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies
- Ms. Aletta Eikelboom, Consultant Expertise Group for Military Operations at TNO
- Mr. Per Wikberg, Senior scientist at FOI (Swedish Defence Research Agency)
- Mr. Arne Norlander, Founder, CEO and Chief Science Officer at NORSECON A
- Mr. Jamie Meighan, Entrepeneur, Consultant, educator, ISR SME
- Mr. Alex Kalloniatis, SENIOR Defence operations analyst
- LTCOL Frank Gubbels, Section Head NATO C2COE
More information: NATO C2COE website