HCSS has launched the LGBT Military Index, the first ever global ranking of countries by inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) service members in the armed forces.
To access the results of the index, click here.
The LGBT Military Index ranks over 100 countries in an instant, transparent, systematic, and comparable overview of 19 policies and best practices. The Index is an invaluable resource for policymakers, stakeholders, and advocates interested in promoting greater inclusion of LGBT personnel within armed forces. Advancing diversity is critically important for defense organizations to survive and thrive in the 21st security environment.
The HCSS study spearheads a new generation of research on LGBT service. Valuing the differences of individual service members and integrating them into the way the armed forces work is a matter of dignity and human rights for those willing to risk their lives for their country. But it is more than that: it is a matter of military effectiveness. Later this year, HCSS will publish a report on a strategic vision for the future of LGBT inclusion in armed forces.
The LGBT Military index received widespread international press coverage.
The HCSS report ‘LGBT Military Personnel: a Strategic Vision for Inclusion’ can be accessed here.
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