The briefings and memos included in this issue were developed by independent researchers working within the GCSC Research Advisory Group. The papers included here were submitted to the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace (GCSC) in order to support its deliberations in New Delhi in November 2017.
The research was commissioned by the GCSC in a Request for Proposal after its Commission Meeting in Tallinn in June 2017. The Commissioners selected the winning proposals at the Commission Meeting in Las Vegas in July 2017. The researchers received the funding associated with the Request for Proposal and were invited to present their work to the Commissioners during the Commission Meeting in New Delhi in November 2017.
Overview of Briefings and Memos:
- Briefing 1: Overview of Cyber Diplomatic Initiatives
Alex Grigsby - Briefing 2: An Analytical Review and Comparison of Operative Measures Included in Cyber Diplomatic Initiatives
Deborah Housen Couriel - Memo 1: Protecting the Public Core of the Internet
Joanna Kulesza and Rolf H. Weber - Briefing 3: Protecting the Core
Oluwafemi Osho, Joseph A. Ojeniyi and Shafi’l M. Abdulhamid - Briefing 4: Mapping National and Transnational Critical Information Infrastructures
Analía Aspis - Memo 2: Countering the Proliferation of Offensive Cyber Capabilities
Robert Morgus, Max Smeets and Trey Herr - Memo 3: What Makes Them Tick: Evaluating Norms on Cyber stability
Arun Mohan Sukumar, Madhulika Srikumar and Bedavyasa Mohanty
The opinions expressed in the publications are those solely of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the GCSC, its partners, or The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies. The Commission does not specifically endorse the respective publications, nor does it necessarily ascribe to the findings or conclusions. All comments on the content of the publications should be directed to the respective authors.