The weight of global economics has shifted to Asia. Yet tensions between China on the one hand and its neighbors and the United States on the other hand are increasingly dominating regional politics. Maintaining a stable, secure, and open Indo-Pacific is crucial to European prosperity and values. Europeans are therefore looking for a role in the region, but which one can and should they play? Multilateral cooperation is the preferred European approach, but with which regional partners? Europeans have increased their naval presence in the region, but is it sufficient? To answer these questions, HCSS is running the Guarding the Maritime Commons project in 2021 and 2022.
HCSS is convening a workshop the 16th and 18th of November with contributions from:
- Patrick Porter (University of Birmingham)
- Johannes Peters (Center for Maritime Strategy and Security, Kiel University)
- Melissa Levaillant (French Institute of Higher National Defence Studies (IHEDN).
- Yuki Tatsumi (Stimson Center)
- Kuyoun Chung (Kangwon National University)
- Jagannath Panda (MP-IDSA)
- Stephan Fruehling (ANU)