New report: Lessons Learned from Contemporary War for Taiwan

What lessons can Taiwan learn from the Russian war in Ukraine? A new HCSS study by Davis Ellison, Benedetta Girardi and Tim Sweijs analyses Ukraine’s resistance against Russia, offering key insights for Taiwan’s defence strategy. The report highlights the importance of asymmetric denial tactics, sustained resilience, and strategic deterrence to counter a potential Chinese invasion. Key recommendations include strengthening air and missile defence, enhancing naval strike capabilities, and improving intelligence networks. By learning from Ukraine, Taiwan can bolster its defences and deter aggression.

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Frank Bekkers | Sabotage onder water: de Russische schaduwoorlog legt kwetsbaarheid van het Westen bloot

Hybride oorlog | Een ongeluk of Russische sabotage? Recente beschadigingen in de Oostzee tonen de kwetsbaarheid van het wereldwijde datakabelnetwerk. Pepijn de Lange sprak voor de Volkskrant uitgebreid met HCSS veiligheidsexpert Frank Bekkers over de schaduwstrijd die Poetin voert tegen het Westen. ‘Het doel is onrust en verwarring zaaien.’

Hybrid Threats and Future War in an Age of Disruption: CENS Roundtable with Dr. Tim Sweijs

On January 23, HCSS director of research Dr. Tim Sweijs will present at a roundtable on “Hybrid Threats and Future War in an Age of Disruption” at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) in Singapore. The session focuses on hybrid threats and the future of war, examining how to prepare, equip, and organize for conflict. Drawing lessons from both ongoing frontlines and developments occurring beyond the battlefield, Dr. Sweijs will explore the essential prerequisites for waging and sustaining war, including societal preparedness, the role of the population, industrial contributions, and the military’s ability to leverage technology and innovate.