Is Germany ready for a male Chancellor? Was Trump’s removal from Twitter a restriction on free speech? With half of the US armed forces leaving Afghanistan, what are the consequences for Joe Biden? Find out in your weekly dose of bitesize HCSS chunks!
Cyber operations form an essential part of the tasks of the armed forces. In a new HCSS brief, Louk Faesen, Tim Sweijs, Frank Bekkers & Timon Domela Nieuwenhuis Nyegaard analyze the role of the Royal Netherlands Army in this increasingly important domain, and what capabilities it should develop.
Sharing his reflections on hybrid warfare as a security challenge, in an interview with the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) HCSS Senior Strategic Analyst Jack Thompson discusses the characteristics of contemporary conflicts and the role of the UN Security Council in preventing and managing armed conflicts.
The Netherlands requires a revised strategic posture in an era of hybrid conflict. What strategies should be part of this posture to protect and promote vital Dutch interests? Read all about it in this new TNO & HCSS report on Cross-Domain Strategies against Hybrid Threats by Tim Sweijs, Samuel Zilincik, Frank Bekkers and Rick Meessen.
After 16 years, the Merkel-era comes to an end. The German elections are much more important for the Netherlands than the American elections, Han ten Broeke explained in EenVandaag. Trump showed us that Europe must be more independent, and for that we must work together – a cooperation led by Germany. But: is Germany ready for a male Chancellor?
Europeans need to lower their expectations when it comes to the transatlantic cooperation, HCSS Senior Strategic Analyst Paul van Hooft told ANP today. The polarization in the US will not disappear with the inauguration of President Biden, who will initially have to focus on national politics.
Was Trump’s ban from Twitter a restriction of the freedom of speech? The debate about this surprised Rob de Wijk, he writes in his column for Trouw: the real question is whether a tech company may facilitate a coup or conspiracy, or be complicit in it. And what happened on January 6 was a good old-fashioned South American style coup d’état.
“That is the essence of democracy: that you are willing to admit your defeat and work on a peaceful transition of power,” Han ten Broeke commented on the aftermath of the storming of the Capitol, and the final days of Trump’s presidency, in WNL Op Zondag.
President Trump wanted to scale down the US armed forces abroad, and send home half of the soldiers stationed in Afghanistan, sparking a wave of angry reactions from his allies. But what are the consequences for Joe Biden? HCSS defense specialist Peter Wijninga explains in the podcast.
“The pre-Trump situation will never be restored. This will go down in the history books as a breaking point, a moment when the United States ceased to be a ‘shining city on the hill’ and a democratic example for the rest of the world,” Han ten Broeke commented in the political radio podcast Spuigasten on Den Haag FM.
HCSS is proud to welcome Energy Specialist Jilles van den Beukel to our ever growing lineup of Subject Matter Experts. Already a frequent contributor to HCSS publications, his research focuses on the oil and gas industry, energy markets and the energy transition.
Looking for an exciting challenge in 2021? HCSS is searching for a creative and enthusiastic PR, Marketing & Communications intern, to start February 1st.
Time to say goodbye: this week, Assistant Analyst Giorgio Berti will be leaving HCSS. Thanks for everything Giorgio, and good luck in Haiti!
What are the geopolitical consequences of corona vaccins? This Sunday you can hear all about it in the new episode of De Strateeg, our podcast with BNR Nieuwsradio, with a discussion between David Criekemans, Associate Professor in Geopolitics & International Relations, and Susan van den Hof, head of the Center for Epidemiology and Surveillance of Infectious Diseases at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment.