The Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace (GCSC) will meet in Las Vegas on July 27, 2017 at Black Hat USA 2017, one of the world’s leading information security events that presents the very latest in research, development and trends. This meeting will outline the next operational steps in achieving the Commission’s mandate and will focus on the prioritized topics for 2017 including the “public core of the Internet”, “critical infrastructures”, and the protection thereof.
The GCSC will review the received proposals from Research Project 1 on the Public Core of the Internet. Researchers and institutions are still able to send their proposals until 21 July 2017.
Commissioners will also participate in a policy briefing “Challenges of Cooperating Across Cyberspace” at Black Hat. Marina Kaljurand, the GCSC Chair, will be joined by fellow GCSC Commissioners Bill Woodcock, Jeff Moss, Joseph Nye, Khoo Boon Hui and Wolfgang Kleinwächter. The panel takes place Wednesday, July 26 at the Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas (Room: Mandalay Bay AB).
Also, GCSC co-chair and former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff will deliver the keynote address the previous day, on July 25, at the Black Hat CISO Summit, entitled, “From Reactive to Proactive: New Directions in IT Security” after the introduction by Black Hat and DEF CON founder Jeff Moss.
Launched at the Munich Security Conference in February, the GCSC convened its first Full Commission meeting last month in the Estonian capital of Tallinn on the sidelines of the 9th annual conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon 2017). The GCSC is comprised of 27 commissioners and facilitated by two co-Secretariats—The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies and the EastWest Institute.
Previous GCSC meetings include:
- The First Full Commission Meeting on 2-3 June, 2017 in the margins of CyCon in Tallinn, Estonia.
- The Launch of the GCSC on 18 February, 2017 at the Munich Security Conference in Munich, Germany