The project “Operations Research Support to Force and Operations Planning in the New Security Environment” aimed at establishing solid capability in operations analysis, involving young scientists from Bulgarian institutes and universities – a capability that is organizationally identifiable, building on state of the art knowledge and experience, with highly valued reputationin providing decision support to national and international security and defence administrations.
In the first phase the project team created a Centre for Operations Analysis (COA) at the Bulgarian Academy of Science (BAS) with a cell within the Defence and Staff College (DSC) in Sofia, selected and trained young scientists, identified models for transfer from NATO, acquired computer equipment and networks, and established management mechanisms. In the second phase the team transferred, adapted, and upgraded selected models, created databases and scenarios, and prepared for applications in analyses and exercises. In parallel, in areas where models were not readily available, we developed approaches and tools for analysis of new mission requirements, network enabled capabilities and command and control architectures. The third phase was focused on analysis and solution of problems of highest priority for Bulgaria’s security sector organizations and organizations in partner countries, as well as support for relevant exercises.